3 Strategies to Help You Recover from Covid19

strategies recover Covid-19

Immune Support.

These 3 strategies you can use to help you recover from covid19 are the same ones my son used when he got sick. My son came home feeling under the weather on a Thursday. He told me he felt something coming on, so he reached for the Elderberry syrup. The syrup he took was a new one I was trying out and it was a little stronger because it offered support to the immune system with added mushroom mycelium.

Diet and Eating Healthy

Friday morning, he was running a fever of 99.7, that’s when I knew I had to act fast. I gave him another dose of the Elderberry syrup. Then I made a special foot rub with 2 drops of lavender, and 1 drop of tea tree essential oils diluted in 1 tablespoon of apricot carrier oil. I kept him hydrated with water, tea and chicken soup. He was on a strict diet of liquid for two days and for the rest of the week no sugar or dairy.

3 strategies you can use to help you recover from covid19

Vitamins and Nutrition

Taking Liposomal Vitamin C, D3 400 IU, A 10000 IU, and 50 mg Zinc Picolinate. Has a positive effect on the way your body responds to Covid. Taking a warm bath with a mixture lavender and tea tree essential oils with Epsom salt in the water. Will help with body aches, joint pain and a headache. His symptoms also included runny nose, congestion, and coughing.

vitamin C

Results of immune support, proper diet, vitamins and nutrition.

Early in the evening I rechecked his temperature and his fever was now 99.1. Saturday morning, he woke up feeling better and his fever was gone. He took the covid19 test. And it came back positive on Tuesday. He continued having a headache for the next couple of days. And the body aches were gone along with the joint pain by the following Thursday. In a week’s time he was over it. And he retested for covid19 two weeks after his first test and this time it came back negative.

the truth about covid-19

I wanted to update you with some additional information on ways you can improve your body’s immune system to fight off COVID-19 and it’s variants. Another alternative treatment is hydrogen peroxide therapy. This therapy has been used by alternative health doctors and has been recommended by Dr. Mercola in his book,  and Dr. Brownstein. I personally have not tried this one. You would need a nebulizer, saline solution and 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide. You would put in your nebulizer 1/4 teaspoon 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide and 7 1/4 teaspoons of normal saline you should end up with a .1% ending peroxide concentration. I got this formula from Dr. Mercola’s book “The Truth About COVID-19.  If you have any questions please leave me a comment and I will reply to you asap.


This information is for educational purposes only. If you suspect you could have covid19 get tested and see a doctor. Before starting on any supplements check with your healthcare provider. If you are taking medication always check with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet.

About WellnessConscious 69 Articles
Welcome to my blog. I started this blog because of my passion for self-care and wellness. My name is Mary. I am a licensed Esthetician, certified Reiki practitioner/teacher and certified life and wellness coach. I started learning about herbs and alternative healing practices through my grandmother, who was a practicing herbalist and spiritual healer. During my infancy she would often treat me with herbal teas when I was sick. I learned a great deal from her. Throughout the years as a practicing healer with herbs, Reiki, meditation and other modalities I have found that the mind and emotions are the root cause of many diseases. I share in this blog what I have learned, practice and continue learning. So that you can benefit as much as I have. I am a single mother and currently a caregiver for my 98-year-old mother.