How Reiki Energy Can Help you Heal.

What is Reiki Energy?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is gentle but powerful, simple but effective. A Reiki practitioner can channel energy by placing her or his hands on the receiver. This Reiki energy flows creating harmony and restoring body, mind and spirit to its perfect, innate state of wellness. Reiki translates into universal life force. Rei means spirit, air, essence of creation. Ki means power or energy.

Reiki History

Mikao Usui discovered Reiki in March 1922. Mikao Usui was born August 15,1865 in the village of Taniai. There are different stories of how Usui Sensei found Reiki. One of them is that Mikao Usui was in search of achieving a special state of consciousness. He searched this state through Zazen meditation. He found a teacher and practiced for three years. Unsuccessful he searched further. His teacher suggested a practice in which the student must be willing to die in order to achieve the state of consciousness he was seeking.

Mikao Usui misunderstood what his Zen master had said. Prepared for death and went to Kurama yama, a sacred mountain north of Kyoto on February 1922. Usui went up the mountain to fast and meditate until he passed. Time passed and he got weaker and weaker.

On March 1922 and at midnight the twenty-first day of meditating he stood up and a powerful light entered his mind through the top of his head. He fell down unconscious and when he woke up as the sun was rising, he realized he no longer felt weak and near death from fasting. Usui felt energized like never before.

As he ran down the mountain to tell his Zen master. He stubbed his toe on a rock and fell down. He reached down and held it with both hands because it hurt so much. Healing energy began flowing from his hands all by itself and to his amazement his toe was completely healed. He no longer felt pain. In April 1922 he moved to Tokyo and started a teaching and giving Reiki treatments openly to the public.

heart chakra

Our Bodies Natural Healing Abilities

Our bodies were designed to heal naturally. Most of us were born healthy. For the body to operate at an optimum level adequate nutrition, water, rest, and sleep are extremely important. Some people focus on the body by eating right, exercising. But neglect the spirit and mind. All of these three areas must be in balance for your body to be in its natural state of health. Reiki can offer stress relief and allow your body to return to its natural state.

Distance Healing

Reiki treatments can be done in person or as distance healing sessions. Reiki treatments can be help with the following conditions: Allergies, Arthritis, Back Pain, Breast lumps, Cancer, Colds, Coughs, Diabetes, Diverticulosis, Headaches, High Blood Pressure, Migraines, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatism, Sinus problems, Thyroid problems, Varicose Veins. To schedule a session go to Reiki appointments.