3 Vitamins to Include for Immune System Support

bottles of vitamins C and B12

What are vitamins?

Vitamins are referred to as micronutrients because your body needs them in small amounts. Compared to other nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water. Both water soluble and oil soluble vitamins are needed for your body to function properly. I will be discussing the 3 vitamins you should include to help support your immune system.  As well as other health benefits they provide.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is not just important for eye health. It is also important for promoting immune response. This is very important because even if you have a strong immune system. If your immune system’s response is not functioning right. The virus or bacteria may enter the body without any resistance. Or the immune system may overreact. In which case it may attack healthy cells within your body. Other health benefits this wonderful vitamin provides are:

  •  Lowers cholesterol
  • Guard against heart disease and stroke
  • Prevents night blindness
  • Protects cells against cancer
  • Acne
  • Formation of bones and teeth
  • Protects against colds, and influenza
  • Skin disorders
  • Slows the aging process

Vitamin A is naturally found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables. If you are taking supplements, it is recommended 10,000 IU for adults as a maximum daily dose. Taking large amounts of Vitamin A over long periods can be toxic to the body. Consult your health care provider for adequate doses.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that works together with vitamin E to protect against free radicals. It protects you from the harmful effects of pollution, enhances immunity, protects against infection. Other health benefits include :

  • Tissue repair
  • Adrenal gland function
  • Healthy gums
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Prevents atherosclerosis
  • Protects against bruising
  • Promotes healing of wounds and burns

You can find vitamin C in berries, citrus fruits, and green vegetables. Other good sources are avocados, strawberries, broccoli, kale, lemons, mangos, pineapple, oranges, alfalfa, kelp, peppermint, nettle, rose hips, raspberry leaf. If your pregnant, do not take more than 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily.

vitamin D

Vitamin D

Your body needs vitamin D for the absorption and use of calcium. It is especially important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth in children. It also helps strengthen bones and muscles. Other health benefits include:

  • Enhances immunity
  • Weight loss
  • Osteoporosis
  • Improves heart function

One of the best ways you can get an adequate amount of vitamin D is to expose your face and arms to the sun for fifteen minutes three times a week. Because when your skin is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays , a cholesterol compound in the skin turns into a precursor of vitamin D. There are supplements such as D2 and D3 you can take daily.

D3 is only found in animal-sourced foods. And Vitamin D2 comes from plant sources and fortified foods. Other food sources that have vitamin D are fish liver oils, fatty saltwater fish, dairy products, eggs, oatmeal, salmon, sweet potatoes, alfalfa, horsetail, nettle and parsley. As always consult your health care provider for taking the adequate amounts of supplements.

This information is for educational purposes only not intended for diagnosing or treating disease.

About WellnessConscious 69 Articles
Welcome to my blog. I started this blog because of my passion for self-care and wellness. My name is Mary. I am a licensed Esthetician, certified Reiki practitioner/teacher and certified life and wellness coach. I started learning about herbs and alternative healing practices through my grandmother, who was a practicing herbalist and spiritual healer. During my infancy she would often treat me with herbal teas when I was sick. I learned a great deal from her. Throughout the years as a practicing healer with herbs, Reiki, meditation and other modalities I have found that the mind and emotions are the root cause of many diseases. I share in this blog what I have learned, practice and continue learning. So that you can benefit as much as I have. I am a single mother and currently a caregiver for my 98-year-old mother.